Faster Payment Terms: where to register
There is no need to register for Faster Payments.
You will automatically be registered when you create your buy NSW Supplier Hub profile and select the number of employees in your organisation. A flag will be added to your account with your registration and visible to verified, logged in buyers. If you wish, you can remove the flag from your profile. You do this by editing your account details. Removing the flag from your profile does not delete your registration for Faster Payments.
The register is updated each month. At this time a list of registered businesses is shared with agencies participating in the Faster Payment Terms Policy. Agencies are given 2 weeks from the 20th day of each month to update their vendor master systems so that any future invoice from a registered business is identified for Faster Payment. There may be a delay of up to 6 weeks.
If you need help with registering for Faster Payments, email buy.nsw@customerservice.nsw.gov.au or call 1800 679 289.
If you are yet to register for Supplier Hub, registration is fast and easy. To get started, simply visit the buy.nsw Supplier Hub.