Faster Payment Terms: participating agencies
Due to any number of factors (such as technological constraints, complex governance or administrative arrangements), a number of agencies will need to be excluded from the Faster Payment Terms Policy. The current list (see below) will be updated as more agencies are added.
If you are supplying good and/or services to a government agency in-scope of this policy (over $10,000), you must send your invoices to the agency’s centralised accounts processing centre. It is essential to process all invoices from a central location to ensure payments are made quickly and not lost in an individual's email. The current (see below) lists where to email your invoice.
N = Not participating. Agencies not participating are excluded from the Small Business Faster Payment Terms.
Customer Service
Agencies |
Building Professionals Board Email: invoices@govconnect.nsw.gov.au |
NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages Email: BDM-Accounts@justice.nsw.gov.au |
Agencies |
NSW Department of Education State Office Email: EDConnect.ap@det.nsw.edu.au |
Agencies |
Agency for Clinical Innovation Service Centre Westmead |
eHealth NSW Service Centre Newcastle / Parramatta |
Health Care Complaints Commission Email: invoices@govconnect.nsw.gov.au |
Planning, Industry and Environment
Agencies |
Belgenny Farm Trust Email: supplier.invoices@industry.nsw.gov.au |
Aboriginal Housing Office Email: invoice.payments@facs.nsw.gov.au |
Hunter & Central Coast Development Corporation Email: Supplierpayments@environment.nsw.gov.au |
Premier & Cabinet
Agencies |
Infrastructure NSW |
Stronger Communities
Agencies |
Ageing Disability & Home Care Email: invoice.payments@facs.nsw.gov.au |
Office of Children’s’ Guardian |
NSW Telecommunications Authority Email: invoices@govconnect.nsw.gov.au |
Courts & Tribunals Email: invoices@justice.nsw.gov.au |
Corrective Services NSW Email: AccountsPayable@justice.nsw.gov.au |
Crown Solicitors Office Email: Csopayable@cso.nsw.gov.au |
Fire & Rescue NSW Email: AccountsPayable@fire.nsw.gov.au |
Information and Privacy Commission Email: ipcinfo@ipc.nsw.gov.au |
Legal Aid NSW Email: vendor@legalaid.nsw.gov.au |
NSW Judicial Commission Email: accounts@judcom.nsw.gov.au |
NSW Police Email: NSWPF-ACCTPAY@police.nsw.gov.au |
Office of Director of Public Prosecutions Email: accounts@odpp.nsw.gov.au |
Rural Fire Service NSW Email: Accountspayable@rfs.nsw.gov.au |
State Emergency Service NSW Email: finance@ses.nsw.gov.au |
Trustee & Guardian Email: tagfinance@tag.nsw.gov.au |
Agencies |
Office of Financial Management |
Agencies |
Department of Transport Email: tss.invoices@transport.nsw.gov.au |
*NSW Health Local Health Districts & Sydney Children's Hospital Network, while participating in the faster payment policy, will be excluded from reporting figures until the policy has been fully rolled out and implemented to all hospitals in NSW.
If you have any questions about the Faster Payment Terms Policy contact us.